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The True Value of IT

This subject has been debated for as long as there has been electronics.  Recently, due to the current economy and other external factors, this topic has been pushed to the forefront and with good reason. 

We should not let this discussion slip away without action and we (IT) should take this opportunity to point the spotlight on ourselves and show the organization what true value IT brings to the table.

The path to IT value enlightenment is, as this article aptly states, riddled with barriers such as: Business-IT Misalignment, lack of IT empowerment, and perception of IT as a pure cost center.

These barriers may seem unavoidable to most, but I truly feel that they can be overcome with some planning and a paradigm shift.

Planning needs to be tailored around customer-relationship building endeavors.  A simple newsletter and/or PC Tips articles can go a long way in building proper business relationships.  Also, some simple training lessons on the applications LOB users use can and usually does assist in piercing the IT veil that is so prevalent in companies today.    

The paradigm shift MUST be made from a ‘utility and support’ function to a ‘trusted business partner’ function.  Instead of viewing yourself as a problem solver and provider of technology, think of yourself as an enabler in business strategies and line of business functions.  This mind-set will plant the seeds for the department to start thinking in terms of the business holistically, which benefits all.

Granted, what I have mentioned may seem hard to accomplish to most, but I feel that a visionary and strong leader and manager can initiate and execute these actions to the betterment of IT and the business.

The time is NOW.